Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Too many exercise machines

Isn't it easier and cheaper just to go walking all the time?

Can't exercise too long

Setting a goal of working out for 10 minutes and you realize you can't even last for 5 minutes.

Cutting grass too short

Putting the blade too low on the mower and scalping the grass.

Riding mowers too big

Wanting a riding mower but they make a miniature one so it fits in your small property.

Gas for mowing lawn

Having to carry it in your car and put up with the smell on the way home.

Allergy to grass

Having an allergy to grass and having to cut the lawn in the summer.

Can't decide on tax

We can never all agree on a tax code to make everyone happy.


These are annoying to get. They hurt also sometimes.

No cure for colds

No cure for colds yet after all of these years. The worst part is that they take a long time to go away.

Annoying paper cuts

Paper cuts hurt more than anything. How can something harmless like paper hurt so much?

Wrong hot dogs

Finding out your bought the wrong kind of hot dogs. There are like dozens of kinds now. You have beef, turkey, half fat, low fat, pork, pork and beef, turkey and pork... .

Water before the meal

Water is served usually before the meal. The only water I am drinking is the one that comes out of a bottle though.

Water on the table

It seems a lot of the time spilled water is always on the table you get seated at.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Still trying to sell

Why call again and ask if someone is interested if they already said they are not interested?

Not picking up the seat

People who don't pick up the seat before they go to the bathroom.

Driving on dates

If someone lives far away, it is easier to meet half-way rather than someone driving an hour to their doorstep.

Chased by dogs

Riding a bike and having a dog chase you while the owner is no place to be found.

Too many pets

Why do some people have to keep 20 cats in the house? Isn't it cheaper per year just to visit a zoo?

Music albums no longer made

You want to buy a CD but they no longer make that album. This happens a lot with the best of collections.

Blinding sun while driving

The Sun seems stronger in the winter. Some hours of the day it is so strong you can't even drive without squinting.

Dead pixels

This sometimes happens on LCD screens where one pixel does not light up or change colors.

Latest style eyeglasses

Picking out the latest style does not help much since that style will be out of style soon enough.

Butt showing in pants

Some of those very low jeans, you can see someone's butt.

Every place is bad

Deciding on where to move to, but almost every neighborhood you look into has some crime.

Broken during the move

Finding out some of your electronics no long work because of being moved on roads with all potholes in them.

Finding a new neighborhood

How can you decided on a new neighborhood when you have to go over a thousand of them?

Label boxes before you move

This is annoying as can be. It also takes more time than the actual move does.

A million boxes

I think one of the reasons why people don't move is because they can't possibly take a million boxes they have in the garage and basement with them.

Empty foods

Lack of nutrition in some foods.

Cold bedrooms

The temperature dropping fast at night and waking up in the morning to an ice cold bedroom.

Ice on driveways

Almost breaking your leg walking on your driveway because of the black ice you can't see from last nights ice storm.

Snow plows taking too long

Sometimes it takes forever for them to plow the private roads.

Finding the decorations

Having to find the Christmas decorations from a million unlabeled boxes in the garage that all look the same.

Not friendly people

Some people are just not friendly.

Hair grows too fast

Your hair growing faster than the average person can take you broke.

Monday, November 17, 2008

No results until the last minute

Waiting for the results of a live reality show, but they wait until the final few minutes of the hour before they tell you who is going home.

Certain size for avatars

Sites that want your avatar to be a certain size and no bigger. Why can't they resize it for you? This is annoying having to resize the picture.

Using picture of a girl for avatars

A lot of people with profiles pick a picture of some girl for their avatar so you click on their profile.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Too old to run

How can a candidate be too old to run in an election? Some younger people can't think as well. Some older people can think far better.

Foes then friends

The candidates talking negative about each other, then when the election is over everyone is friends again.

Age fussy on dates

How does a few years make a big difference in dating?

Slow people in malls

People who walk in crowded malls in slow motion, holding up everyone behind them.

Stores going of business

Finding that your favorite local store is going out of business.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Food packages hard to open

Why do they make some food so hard to open? Can't they first test and see if it is easy to open before they put it in the supermarket?

Make a good news cover

We need more front cover pages of newspapers listing good news for a change. Why the constant bad news on front covers all the time?

Out of style clothing

Who decides what clothes are not in style anymore?

Wild people on game shows

Why do all the game shows always have wild people on for contestants?

Audience clapping on shows

The audience on TV shows always seems to go crazy when someone comes on a show.

Silly commercials

Why are so many commercials silly?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Expressway tailgaters

These are the people who ride right behind you hoping you will move out of their way so they don't have to change lanes.

Knocking on bedroom door

Someone waking you up in the morning knocking on your door to tell you something that is really not that important.

Toilet takes too long to refill

They take too long to refill with water again before you can flush them.

No TV in room

Going to a doctor for a test with a usually long waiting line and finding out there is no TV in the room while you wait to get called.

Refrigerators are too small

Most of the refrigerators don't have enough room to store enough liquids on the upper shelf.

Cats all over

People who let their cats run all over other peoples property.

No leash for dog

People who walk their dog with no leash and the dog run all over the place.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Digital banners at games

Some of the digital banners on the sidelines of sports games flash too much now.

Tree sap on cars

Tree sap is hard to get off your car. Never park under a tree in the summer.

People knocking your team

Let everyone like the team they want to cheer for.

Salesmen calling at dinner

It always seems near dinner time or later that someone calls. Worse is on Sunday when you don't want anyone calling.

People who spit when talking

Some people shower you with spit when they talk.

People sneezing on you

It only takes a second to cover your mouth when you sneeze.

Street sweepers

They clean your street in the summer with them to pick up the dirt, but your car is in the way so they can't clean near your curb.

Talking on checkout lines

Someone in front of you telling the cashier their life story while you are in a hurry to get out of the supermarket.

Slow motion people on checkout lines

The person in front of you on the checkout line in supermarket moves in slow motion testing your patience.

People putting you on hold

Sometimes you have to wait forever on the phone until someone gets done taking another call.

People eating while on phone

Why do people eat while talking on the phone?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election polls

Everyone going by the polls the entire election, but when the final day comes nobody really knows who will win anyway.

Alarm clocks at 5 a.m.

Having the alarm clock ring loud early in the morning scaring the heck out of you.

One sided articles

You can sometimes tell from the first few sentences if the article is going to be bias or not.

Newspaper print too small

Some of the print in newspapers is just too small to read good enough. We need a bigger font.

No good news in newspapers

It would be nice to see some good news in the newspapers once in awhile instead of printing just bad news all the time.

Getting oil on your phone

When someone uses your phone and gets oil and dirt on the handset after they are done.

Root canal cost

The cost of a root canal is more than most people have in the bank.

Hair on clothes

Getting home and having to change clothes because of hair on them.

Cheaply made board games

It seems the older board games were made better. They had wooden pieces and fancy boards. Now everyone seems to use plastic pieces.

Beach sports

People who decide to play a sports game right where you set your space up.

People sitting close to you on beach

With all the room on the beach, why do some people have to sit so close to your space?

Cost of cereal

Why is cereal so expensive? It does not last very long if you have it every day.

Toys in cereal

Why do they put the free toys at the bottom of inside the cereal bag where you can't reach it?

Not your frozen vegetables

Going to the supermarket and not seeing the frozen vegetables you are looking for. But they have so many other kinds of vegetables that you do not like.

Buying the un-salted crackers

Buying crackers in the supermarket without the salt by mistake instead of the ones with the salt.

Rain wearing out the wood

With all the rain, you can't have wood outside a house that last very long.

Old carpets

As the carpets in your house get old, they start getting all bumpy. It is like walking on rocks.

Long waits at restaurants

Going when it is crowded to a restaurant and having to wait 30 minutes to get a seat and then wait another 15 minutes for the food to be served.

Radios on beaches

What if you don't like the song that someone is playing next to you?

Forgetting the sunscreen

Looking like a red lobster when you get home because you forgot the sunscreen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All music is good

Why do people knock some genres of music?

Noisy windshield wipers

On some of the older cars the windshield wipers are so noisy.

Basic model cars

Why sell the basic level cars when they usually don't have enough features in it to actually drive it?

Expensive hub caps

Usually it does not pay to get the higher end hub caps on cars since they will be stolen before long.

Slow rear window defrosters

The rear window defroster always takes a long time to actually warm up and defrost the window.

Bathroom blow dryers

Someone blow drying their hair all the time after a shower. They take forever before they are finished.

Bathroom readers

Someone who always brings in a paper to read while they are in the bathroom.

Pillow covers too small

The pillow always seems bigger than the pillow covers.

Turning a mattress over

You can break your back turning over a mattress to clean.

News network rating

How come they just can't all get along? Who has higher ratings and so on just gets a little boring after hearing it for the 20th time.

Too many commercials

TV shows that take a commercial every 5 or so minutes.

Wrong order on fast food

Getting your order wrong and forgetting a hamburger, but not knowing it until you drive home and find it is missing.

Dew getting your shoes wet

Walking out in the morning and your shoes getting all wet from the dew on the grass.

More glossy pictures in magazines

Every picture in a magazine today should be in glossy color. Not just the cover of the magazine.

Web pages keep changing

Leave it the way it is. Some sites change the design of the page all the time. Too complex of a design makes it confusing. If it works don't fix it.

Hard drives breaking

Having to replace everything on a hard drive is a nightmare if it breaks.

Smiles all the time

It is funny how everyone smiles on the news all the time, but when you go out in public nobody ever smiles at you.

Too much makeup

Just how much makeup do people on TV put on? Their faces look like a wax figure sometimes. I never see anyone look that good when I go out in public.

Dropping soap in bathtub

When you are in the shower and drop the soap bar in the bathtub. Then you have to pick it up and use it still after everyone has stepped where the soap was.

Eyeglasses wearing out

After you own them for so many years they look nothing like they did the first day you bought them. Scratches are all over the lens.

Speeding in the Summer

It seems people love to drive faster in the Summer months.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Menus are dirty

Knowing a million people touched the menu before you that you now have to hold.

Can we pick the seat?

Not being able to pick your own place to sit at a restaurant.

Everyone eats at the same place

Everyone eats out at the same exact place at the same exact time it seems.

Walking fast in crowds

Walk slower in crowds so you don't go knocking everyone over. Saving a few seconds won't help much.

Not quitting the election

How come nobody ever quits elections even when they have only a 1% chance of winning?

City traffic

Drivers who like to cut everyone off on roads.

Speeding cars

Is getting to your destination 10 seconds faster really mean that much?

Clothing sizes are too big

Large, extra large, and extra extra large are the only sizes you find all the time when shopping for clothes. Why no small sizes?

Everyone is blonde on the news

How come every lady on the news has blonde hair now? What happened to black hair? I hope we don't all start wearing the same clothes next.

Wall paint fades

Paint fading over the years. Painting the walls takes forever, so we need a paint that last 30 years with no fading.

Letters wearing out on keyboards

I hate the older keyboards where the printed letters and numbers on them fade over time if you use them to much.

Backing out of driveways

Cars backing out of driveways without seeing other cars passing on the road behind them.

Bad pollen in summer

Sometimes pollen is so bad in the summer. It gets on your car, windows, and everything else outside. Sneezing from it is another problem.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Forever for appointments

When you schedule an appointment and there are no openings until weeks and weeks later.

Noisy fans

Some fans sound so noisy on high speed.

Not resigning chess games

When you are ahead by many chess pieces, and you have to trap the king and play until the very last move. The other player can't win so why does he bother to still play?

Smell from self-cleaning ovens

Can the smell get any worse when you clean the ovens?

Car horns blowing

Drivers parked on a driveway and just blowing the horn waiting for their friend to come out.

Can't turn music off in game

In some games I bought over the years you can't turn off the background music it seems for certain parts of the game.

Books and magazines not staying open

How many times do you buy a magazine or book and it is too big to stay open while you read it?

Thumb tacks falling out

The thumb tacks never stay in the wall. Calendars are the hardest to stay put.

Dust on picture frames

You can never get rid of dust and it always winds up on the picture frames all the time.

Holes in socks

You always got a hole in the big toe of socks, or the heel part of the sock just wears out.

Wearing shoes in the bedroom

I hate when people come into the bedroom with shoes on.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Loud vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaners are so loud it is no wonder people don't clean their house as often as they should.

Bias news channels

I thought all news channels had to be in the middle and not support any candidate?

Democrat vs Republican

Your friend is a Democrat and you are a Republican. This leaves many topics not open for discussion without arguing.

Weak toothpaste tubes

The toothpaste getting near the end. You squeeze the tube but the sides start to break.

Bathroom floor wet

Someone finishes taking a shower and leaves the rugs and floor in the bathroom all wet from the water.

Station logos

Why does it have to be shown all the time? It would be nice not to see the station logo in the corner of the screen once the show starts.

News tickers

These are on the bottom of the screen on major news channels.

Expensive eyeglasses

Why do they cost so much? They still scratch and wear out after just a few years of daily use.

Loud toilets

They still make a lot of noise when you flush them. It can wake the house up at 3 a.m. between that and the door.

Loud people

People talking loud or laughing loud all the time.

Nobody at the IM

You IM someone online but they are always away from the computer. It seems you can never get in touch with them.

Roads blocked off

An accident happens and you have to turn down a different road. Now you get lost going down a road you have never been on before.

Tar pebbles on roads

They just paved the road but leave a load of tar pebbles on the road. They go in your car wheel wells when you drive over them. Why can't anybody sweep them up?

Humidity at 100%

The heat is bad enough, but the humidity is even worse in the summer.

Too many spiders in summer

So many spiders come in the house in the summertime. Where do they all come from?

Too much soap on clothes

Putting too much soap in to wash your clothes making them smell even worse than before you washed them.

Dryer lint screen

Forgetting to change the lint screen on the dryer and your clothes are full of lint.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gum on sidewalks

Why do people throw gum on the sidewalks and parking lots knowing ahead of time someone will step in it?

Buttons on remote control

You get something with a remote control and find the buttons for everything are in all weird places.

Best news story is last

They put the best news story on last so you have to watch the entire news program.

Lights blink with A/C

Sometimes this happens in the summer when it clicks on.

Small eyeglass screws

Why are the eyeglass screws so small? How are you supposed to fix them if you have to tighten up a screw?

Some voice

People who think they can sing when they really can't.

Pretend you like the gift

Pretending you like a gift that you really have no need for or really don't like at all.

Drivers changing lanes

Some drivers seem to use the road as an obstacle course test. They go in and out of cars and keep switching lanes just to get ahead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Phones are too heavy

Some cell and house phones are still heavy to hold for long periods of time. We need some lighter weight phones. Most of the weight is in the battery.

Steam showers

Someone taking a steam show that leaves the bathroom so hot it is almost impossible to see anything.

Hairspray smell

Someone who just comes out of the bathroom that used a load of hairspray. It takes forever to clear the room.

Hair on the soap

Don't rub the soap bar on your body. It gets all hair on it.

Toilet paper used up

The last person who uses the roll up should put a new roll on. Otherwise you have to find a new roll when you are sitting on the bowl.

Low water pressure

Everyone using water for lawns and pools in the summer that you have no water pressure in the house.

Sunset is early

It gets dark out so fast in the winter you have no time really do anything outside the house.

Long elections

The election process seems to take forever. One week can seem like a month hearing the same speeches over and over.

Holiday traffic

Everyone having the same idea and leaving early in their car to travel for the Holiday.

How much money you earn

Why do people care about how much money you make?

Too many cell phone models

How many different cell phone models do we need?

Merry Christmas

Now some people get offended if you say Merry Christmas. Why can't people just relax more and not get offended by everything?

Squirrels over house

Squirrels that run up the side of your house and make a home in your attic by breaking the attic screen.

Late appointments

You make an appointment for someone to come to your house for a repair but they are always late.

Noisy dishwashers

Some of these make so much noise when they are on.

Bathroom interruptions

As soon as you get undressed to go in the shower someone has to use the bathroom.

It comes with no cables

The cable you need to hook up a DVD player or VCR is sold separate. Then you find out the cable cost $20 or more to buy.

People who park close to you

People parking so close that you can't open your door without denting their door with your door when you get out.

Salesmen calling late

Calls late at night are annoying.

People who hang up

Someone calling but not leaving a message on the recorder. It only takes a few seconds to say your name and what you are calling for.

Flashlight batteries

They cost a lot of money the batteries but they never seem to last a long time when you put them in a flashlight. The light gets dim pretty fast.

Garbage cans in street

Garbage passing early and people not picking up the cans until late at night. What is worse is on a windy day when they are in the middle of the street rolling around.

Dry air in winter

Air is too dry in the winter. It makes your skin dry and you also get thirsty all the time.

Magazines full of ads

Magazines with not many articles and pictures but ads throughout the magazine.

Left or right newspapers

Why not have all newspapers neutral? Have people report on both sides rather than one sided articles in the entire paper.

Mouse button broke

This is the worst when it happens when you are online in the middle of something.

Short power cords

Why do they make the power cords on some things so short? It is almost impossible to reach the outlet sometimes.

No privacy online

Since nobody has any privacy left online anymore, why bother to list a privacy policy on web sites?

Forum registration

On some forums you have to fill out so much information before you join. Then you have to click on an email to activate your account before you can post anything.

Drivers using cell phones

People talking on the cell phone while driving and forgetting to put on blinkers when turning.

Loud commercials

The commercials on TV get so much louder than the show is sometimes. You always got to have your hand on the volume control.

Loud furnaces

These things make a racket. I hope one day we can have a furnace that heats the house that is silent.

Dented cans

One can is left for the item you want but it is the dented can which nobody wants.

Expensive magazines

Why do they cost so much? It is like $4-$5 for one issue of a magazine.

Hard seeds in popcorn

You bite into popcorn and sometimes get the hard middle.

Chocolate melting

Going out to buy chocolate and then having the chocolate melt in the summer before you bring it home.

Live audio problems

How come in 2008 some live shows always have audio problems? The sound sometimes goes out or does not work right.

Electronics product colors

Why make just silver in some TV sets and other audio/video products? Black looks nice also.

Keyboard key broken

One key is not working so the entire keyboard is useless. Words that have missing letters when someone types are a sure sign someone has a broken key.

Loud lawnmowers

Someone who runs them at high speed all the time making the sound twice as loud. Some of these lawnmowers can make you deaf. They do have a low speed which works just as well.

Saving money

Saving $1.00 a week sounds nice but still makes you poor after 50 years.

Dirty money

Getting money that is dirty rather than crisp new bills all the time. Where has this money been?

It is broken

When you finally saved enough money to buy something, then something breaks costing a fortune to fix.

Wrong stocks

You try making money in stocks but you picked the wrong ones and they all lost value.

Cost of living

You make more money but the cost of everything has gone up so you can't break even.

Bank CD rates

You want to open a bank CD but the rates just dropped near savings account levels.

Commercials before movies

How many previews and commercials do we have to see before the actual movie itself?

Dogs on lawns

Why do other peoples dogs have to go to the bathroom on your lawn? Why can't they go on their own lawns?

Food ingredients

Most of the ingredients on the food labels you have no idea what they are and what they do.

One hand out the window

Why do some people have to drive with one hand out the window of their car?

Time for appointments

They never seem to have the hour you want for your appointment. Everyone always picks the same time.

Changing time on clocks

Changing times on all the clocks in your house either ahead an hour or back an hour is annoying with all the electronics people own today.

Loud speakers

Loud voices on the speakers they use to page people. This is annoying especially in the morning.

Express lines

The supermarket express line is as slow as the regular lines because of more people using it.

Supermarket readers

People reading about products while blocking your wagon so you can't move.

Broken wagons

When you go to the supermarket and you get a wagons that does not wheel right because a wheel is broken.

Phone taxes

The taxes on the phone bill are more money than the cost of the phone calls.

Phone features

How many new features do you need on a house phone? It seems something new is out all the time.

Experation dates

The expiration dates are always seem not long enough on the food you buy.

Long deli lines

Waiting on the long deli line. The deli line seems to be the longest line in the store all the time.

Friends on dates

When someone brings a friend along with them on a date.

Cell phones on dates

Answering a ringing cell phone on a date.

Can't hold a conversation

Someone who can't hold a conversation in person. You usually do all the talking during the date.

Late dates

People who don't arrive on time for a date or decide not to show up.

Friendly or snobby

They sounded nice on the phone but are snobby in person.

Election promises

Nobody ever does what they promise they will do when they give the speeches.

People who don't let you voice your opinion

Everyone should hear other peoples opinions on things besides just their own.

People who love to argue all the time

Some people seem like they will do anything just to start an argument with you.

People who talk over you

Some people seem to talk over you all the time as if they can't hear you.

People into money

People who are just out for money all the time.

People who know it all

People who think they know it all.

Monday, October 27, 2008

People who never agree

People who don't agree with you on any topics. It sometimes seems like they purposely don't agree with you just so you get more annoyed.

Mail opened

Why does mail sometimes come opened?

Halloween candy complaints

Children who complain about the candy given to them when it is free.

Halloween eggs

People who throw eggs on Halloween and it hits your car.

Getting teeth fixed

People with a lot of money who still don't fix their teeth.

Tooth cavities

How can such a small thing like a tooth hurt so much when you have a cavity?

Dental floss

Sometimes this gets stuck in between teeth because of a filling. Try getting it out when this happens without taking the filling out with it.

Sensitive teeth

Teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold liquids.

Teeth get yellow

Teeth seem to stain or get a yellow color over time. Teeth are a hassle to keep the same color it seems your entire life.

Dentist waits

Someone who is in the chair for an hour.

Fillings come out

New technology so fillings last a lifetime would be great one day.

Teeth pulling

I rather have teeth repaired rather than have them pulled out.

Numb gums

The needle still pinches bad when they inject the Novocain into your gums.

Microwave too small

The microwave oven is too small to heat many things in at once.

Small cars cost a lot

The smaller cars cost as much as the bigger ones.

New car models

New car models each year are improved but still have flaws.

Car brakes

Brakes still don't last long enough on cars. No new technology yet to make them last much longer?

Car controls in wrong places

Controls like knobs still get put in the wrong place sometimes even after all these years.

Cheap car interiors

The interiors of most cars are still made of plastic and feel cheap.

Expensive cars still break

No matter how much money you spend for a better car, they still break all the time.

Car cost

The cost of buying a car is more than most peoples life savings.

Turkey time

Everyone in the family always wants to eat the Thanksgiving turkey at a different time. Maybe we should average the times outs?

Christmas gifts

It is hard to keep picking out something to buy someone year after year. After awhile they have everything.

Bloated stomach

Eating too much food for Thanksgiving. Your stomach comes out about 6 inches more.

Turkey is dry

Working hard to make a nice turkey for Thanksgiving, but the turkey comes out overcooked and dry.

What to do for Thanksgiving

One person in the family wants to eat here, the next person wants to eat at another house... .

Christmas lights

Buying Christmas lights and getting home finding out they don't work.

Online avatars

Why do people pick an avatar of someone who is not them?

Online handles

Some online handles are offensive. Why not pick a less offensive one?

Strict online forums

Forums having too many strict rules to follow.

Paint brushes

Rinsing out the brushes and rollers when you are done is also a big job.

Moving furniture

Moving the furniture out and then back in the room is a job in itself if you are going to paint.

Dryer breaking

You can't dry your clothes. But worse is all the lint that is on them all the time.

Off paint colors

Paint colors never look the same on the wall as they do on the can or color charts.

Stepping in paint

Paint dripping from ceiling on floor and then you step on it. It is not even possible to usually remove it all.

Painting with corner brushes

Corner brushes never work and make the job harder. The paint usually still gets in the wrong spots.

Paint smells bad

Paint smells terrible and the smell sometimes does not go away for weeks even after the room is finished.

Volume level on TV shows

It seems that each channel has a different volume level. Why can't they all be the same volume level?

Tube sets that weigh a ton

Old TV sets that weigh more than solid led does. Try lifting the old 27 inch TV sets.

TV channel switching time

The delay between switching a channel and when the picture comes on on the digital cable boxes.

TV tube warm up time

The old TV sets that take a long time to warm up before the picture comes on.

Bad TV reception

The reception is fuzzy and you can't watch your show clear enough.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Driver cutting you off

Drivers who cut you off just to save a few seconds. This won't really add much to saving time for the day.

Blasting car radios

Someone blasting their car radio so loud that you can't hear your own radio.

Super dark windows on cars

Cars having dark windows so you can't see who is driving or in the back seats.

Speeding around turns

People going fast even around roads that have sharp turns.

The fruit is rotten

Getting fruit and not checking it in the store. When you go home almost all of it is rotten.

Buying pulp orange juice

You forget and buy the orange juice that has the pulp in it instead.

Air conditioner noise

When you plug your new a/c in, you find out that it makes a racket.

Small TV sets

You bring home the new TV set which hardly fits in your truck, then find out that the screen size you got is not big enough.

Milk containers leaking

All of the milk containers that are left are the leaking containers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Light bulbs burn out too fast

The bulbs are always burning out at night in the kitchen so you have to eat in the dark until you change them. Can't we make bulbs yet that can last 10 years or longer?

Bills for mail

You wait for the mail for something that you ordered but the mail is just all bills that are due.

They never have your shoe size

You finally find a great pair of sneakers but the size you want is usually never there.

Only one barber is in

Waiting 1 hour for a haircut because only one barber is in.

Snow plows blocking your car in

You are happy they are finally plowing your street. But after coming plowing, your car is buried in snow from the plow now. Now it is time for the shovel.

Hot vacations

Heat waves happening just the week you are home from work. Then when you go back to work the weather cools off.

Repeat episodes on TV

Waiting all week for a show and finding out that it is a repeat of a previous episode instead.

Speeding through stop signs

People going through stop signs at 40 mph.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Four way stop signs

Coming to a four way stop sign and nobody knows who goes first.

Expensive video game systems

They stopped making games for your old video game machine. But the new video game system cost $400.

Upgrading computers

Your computer can't run the latest software. You either have to buy more ram or another computer.

Having to upgrade the computer O/S

Can't we stay with the same O/S on our computers if we want to?

Big car repairs

You bring in a car for a small job like an oil change, and then find out you need $1,000 worth of repairs.

Order mistakes

Waiting weeks for a package then you get it and find out they shipped you the wrong size or color. It takes forever to send it back and get the right one.

Dirty car exhaust

Driving behind someone that has not cleaned their exhaust for years. You have to drive behind a smoke screen the entire way.

Not using turn signals

Waiting to make a right turn while the other car didn't put his blinkers on to let you know that he is turning. You could have made your turn a long time ago.

Talkers at barbershops

The guy in front of you is telling his life story to the barber so he takes extra long before he can get to your hair.

Drivers going too slow

Getting behind someone on a road while you are in a hurry and they see you in the rear view mirror but still go slow anyway.

Rain on vacations

Planning a vacation for an entire year, then it rains the entire week that you are home.

$300 food bill

Going online behind someone who didn't make a shopping in a month and has the entire wagon filled with food. They had over a $300 food bill.

Cable outages

The cable goes out right before the show you waited an entire week for.

Long wait at barbershops

Waiting 2 hours in a crowded barbershop because everyone decided to go right before the holidays like you

No appointments

You wait weeks for an appointment and they tell you that you don't have any appointment since they forgot to write it down or wrote the wrong time and date.

Mail comes at end of day

Being on the end of the route so that you don't get mail each day until 4 p.m. while others get it at 10 a.m..

Printer ink sold out

The stores are always sold out of the ink for your printer model, but they have all the ink for the other printers.

Hat sizes are too small

Why not make all hats adjustable? Everyone has a different size head.

Newspaper ink

I would love to read newspapers with ink that does not come off on your hands.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Music playing on web pages

Music playing automatically when you load a page.

Too many program updates

Having to download updates for programs all the time. They take forever on a dial-up. The worst is the game updates.

A big red X for the picture

Sites where some pictures do not load. The big red X is there instead of the picture.

Ads that float across the screen

Ads that move across the screen while you are on a site. How annoying can you get?

Too many pop-up ads

Clicking on a link and you get pop-up ads.

Server down

You go on a site but the server is down.

Browser crashes

Browser crashing and you forget the web address of the page you were on.

Modem disconnects in middle of filling out forms

Disconnections when you are in the middle of filling out a form. All the information has to be typed in again.

Videos to slow to download

Your dial-up connection is to slow to download videos. You can start downloading one and make lunch by the time it finishes.

Heavy air conditioners

We need some models out that don't weigh 200 pounds.

Dripping sink faucets

We need a sink faucet that never drips. The drips keeps you up all day and night.

Not enough electric outlets

With all the electronic items we own today, you need a house that has a place to plug something in like every few feet.

Too many best of music albums

How many top hit CDs do we need by each music artist?

Big TV screen sizes

They make them bigger all the time. What if they can't fit in your room?

Too many different models

You search for a VCR or a DVD player but you have like hundreds of different models to choose from.

Dogs barking all the time

Some dogs bark all day. Some bark all night.

Noisy birds waking you up

The worst thing is when birds decide to get up at 7 a.m. and make a bunch of noise while you are still sleeping in bed.

Too many leaves falling

In the autumn, so many leaves fall off the trees it turns into a bigger job cleaning them up than cutting the grass.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Laptops are too heavy

We still need to work on lighter laptops that don't put a dent in your bed mattress if you use them on there.

Dust under laptop keys

If you use it in a bedroom, before long all keys have either dust or hair underneath them.

Turning on red lights

Some people ignore the signs that say "no turn on red".

Locks on cars freezing

The ice storms sometimes freeze the locks so that you can't put your key into it.

Colors on web pages

Some websites the colors make the page hard to read. Some use a rainbow of colors.

Fonts are too small

Some fonts on the Internet are so small you can't read the page. Others are so big you can go blind reading the page.

Too many ads on web pages

Some pages have so many ads that you have to scroll the page down before you get to any content.

Too many pictures on web pages

Some websites have so many pictures on the page, it takes forever to load if you have a dial-up modem.

Car paint scratches

How come they can't yet make car paint that does not scratch?

High stamp prices

I think one day it might be cheaper if you walked to deliver the letter if prices keep going up.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Setting VCR clocks

The VCR should get the time on its own.

Remotes that don't light up

How come remotes still don't light up at night? It is hard changing channels in the dark. I guess you have to keep the lights on.

Too many kinds of cookies

Too many kinds of cookies now to choose from can take a long time to select one.

Empty shelves

Going early to beat the crowds but nothing is stocked up in the supermarket that early in the morning.

Coupons on boxes

Coupons on boxes are annoying since you have to cut them out.

Small print on food labels

The print is so small on some food labels you usually can't read it in the supermarket.

Sports clock time is forever

One minute in a sports game left is really like 10 minutes. Waiting for your show to come on takes forever.

Music in commercials

Every commercial now on TV has a song that is played in the background.

Too long to paint a room

TV shows show a room being painted it seems in just a few hours time. How does it go so fast on TV?

Paint getting on the rugs

Every time when you paint the baseboards in rooms, paint always gets on the rugs.

Lines wearing out on roads

They wear out and it seems nobody paints them ever again.

Never paving popular roads

It seems as though some popular roads get paved once every 30 years or so even though potholes are every few feet from each other.

Late running sports shows

Why can't they show a little box in corner if a game is running late so you can see the show at the same time that is supposed to be on?

Shopping carts all over parking lots

Every place should have a central location where you can return them rather than having to leave them in parking slots so people can't park their cars.

Not enough TV time for guest

They always say we only have so much time for their guests.

Everyone talking all at once

Why do the guests and the TV host have to talk over each other all the time during an interview?

People smelling the milk

I hate when someone has to smell the milk to see if it is still good or not.

Toast crumbs in the butter

Wipe the knife off before you put it back in the butter if you are having toast.

Too many wires

With all the electronic items we all have now, the rooms are like a jungle full of wires with everything plugged in.

Beds not lasting

Springs start to sag on beds over time.

Changing presidential polls

Why show the polls if they change every day? Someone leading today is behind the next day.

Boring presidential debates

We need more interesting questions asked at the debates.

Too many online passwords

Having so many online accounts and having to remember all the passwords for them.

Filling out forms online

Filling out a form online to register for something, then something goes wrong and you have to re-enter the information all over again in every field.

Lightning storms

A storm coming fast and your house gets hit with a bad lightning strike.

Raising hands all at once

How come nobody raises their hands for questions? They all talk at the same time at news conferences.

Black and white TV shows

Some old shows would be nice to see in color.

News conference delays

How come they tell you 5 minutes before it starts but it usually is another 20-30 minute wait.

Sloppy track for horse racing

Waiting all weekend for a big race but it rains and the track is sloppy and many of your favorites horses are scratched.

Expired dates on food

Forgetting to check the date on food when you buy it at the supermarket and finding out it is spoiled when you get home.

Clothes for Christmas

Buying someone clothing then finding out it is the wrong size and does not fit them.

Too much Halloween candy

You buy a load of candy for the children, then not many come around and you get stuck with too much candy to eat.

High gas prices

Maybe we should all start learning how to use a bicycle again.

Slow modems

The web pages take forever to load on a dial-up today. In the 1990s everything came on the screen faster.

Poor voice quality on cell phones

How come after all these years peoples voices still drop out on cell phones? The voice is usually too low also.

Repetitive news all the time

The same news on TV 24/7 or writing about the same news story frequently in newspapers.

Breaking News for any story

They show BREAKING NEWS for anything now.

Noisy garbage trucks

The garbage truck passing by making a 100 db noise while you are still sleeping. Hearing that truck go by in the morning can wake the dead.

Commercials on TV all at once

All of the TV stations taking a commercial break at the exact same time. You can't flip the channel and watch something else.

Dusty computer screens

Computer laptops constantly have dust on them. You never can get rid of it.

Part missing when you buy something

You buy something and one part is missing and the store says you have to return the entire box rather than give you the part you are missing.

Paving roads during rush hour

Rush hour road construction is not the best time to pave a road.

Wrong weather forecast

You plan you weekend because you hear it will be sunny. Instead it rains the entire weekend.

Long traffic lights

Waiting for a 3 minute traffic light while you have ice cream in your car from the supermarket.

Construction work time

It always happens when you are either going to work or coming home from work. It never happens at 3am when no cars are out on the roads.

Eating during movies

Someone in front or behind of you eating during the entire movie. Popcorn and potato chips make too much noise.

Tall people in movies

Having a tall person sit in front of you so you can't see the movie.

Store sales

You see a great advertisement in the paper for something. When you go to the store, they are all sold out or never got the item in yet.

Store openings

They don't open the doors until the exact minute, even though it is 10 degrees outside and everyone is freezing.